Department for International Trade

Department for International Trade

Did you know that Lincolnshire based businesses are eligible for match-funding as part of the ERDF funded Internationalising SMEs programme?

If you want to start exporting or develop your international business you can apply for grants through the programme for a range of projects. The grants are offered at a 50% intervention, with a minimum grant of £1,000 against a £2,000 project spend.

What can the funding be used for?

•  Flights and accommodation to agreed target markets
•  Overseas trade events entry and exhibition costs
•  Design and production of international marketing material
•  Internationalisation of website including translations
•  International market research and consultancy services

Is your business eligible?

•  The company must be located in Greater Lincolnshire
•  Be a small or medium enterprise (SME)
•  No more than 25% of the business may be owned by an enterprise which is not an SME
•  Annual turnover may not exceed €50m or annual balance sheet may not exceed €43m
•  Must create at least one full time job role as a result of this support

Further Information:

To find out how to apply and for help and advice on all matters relating to export, please contact us on 0345 052 4001 or .

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