How Covid-19 is affecting SCS and the IT industry

How Covid-19 is affecting SCS and the IT industry

Now in week 8 of ‘lock-down’ due to Covid-19, and with the Prime Minister announcing just a very slight easing recently, it seemed an opportune time to interview Jerry Parker, Managing Director of SCS Technology Solutions regarding how the team at SCS are getting on.


Online working has been essential in the continuance of business since the emergence of Covid-19, as IT support professionals, how are you finding people are coping?  How are you coping yourselves?

When the lockdown was announced we saw huge demand from our customers seeking assistance with setting up staff to work remotely. The majority of our customers have some or all of their staff working from home. The feedback we have received is that customers’ staff have taken to this very easily and have adapted very well to this new way of working. Other than myself, all the team here at SCS are now working from home. We are coping very well in this new way of working.

How are the team?  Have you had anyone go above and beyond the call of duty on behalf of the company or the community?

The team are well and have all managed to avoid this dreadful virus so far. We are all missing our extended family and friends and keeping our fingers crossed that the lockdown will be eased soon. All the team have gone above and beyond since this lockdown began, especially in the first couple of weeks of the lockdown. We had three times our normal phone enquiries and incoming email and they guys did a brilliant job helping all our customers.

Have you seen demand for your services fall or rise since the emergence of Covid-19?

Since the start of the lockdown the main effect on our business has been not being able to visit our customers in person. One reason is that some customers don’t have anyone onsite at the moment and another is that we will only visit for essential failures, luckily we haven’t had any of these yet! We are doing more tasks remotely, utilising software like Microsoft Teams.

What does the future hold for SCS Technology?

Despite all the uncertainty and difficulty I am very positive about the future. Yes there will be bumps in the road over the coming 12 months but I have a great team of people around me and I have every confidence that we will come through this as a stronger and more capable team.

How has your industry been affected by Covid-19?  Do you think there will be long term repercussions?

The utilisation of cloud services will be the biggest industry change as a result of Covid-19. Businesses will need to be more flexible in their approach to working and IT is essential to help achieve this.

What role do you think your industry will have to play in the recovery of the economy as a whole?

The role of IT will be huge for the recovery of the economy. Flexibility, security and changes to working practices will potentially be top of businesses to do lists.

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