Househam Sprayers Ltd


Househam Sprayers in Woodhall Spa Lincoln is the UK's largest manufacturer and supplier of top quality self-propelled and trailed agricultural crop sprayers.

Contact Househam Sprayers Ltd

  • 01400 276 000

  • Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm

  • Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire, LN10 6YQ

About Househam Sprayers Ltd

Househam Sprayers is the UK's largest manufacturer and supplier of top quality self-propelled and trailed agricultural crop sprayers and amenity sprayers. A global player with a local feel.

Designed, built and tested in the UK, our range of self-propelled machines uses ground-breaking technology to deliver a specification not often found on other machines available in the crop spraying market.

Furthermore, all Househam self-propelled machines have been designed with low weight and even weight distribution in mind. This minimises soil compaction and allows the machine to be used throughout the year, minimising weather delays and reducing the risk of diseases taking hold.

With our in-house Advanced Engineering Team, R&D Division and our industry leading Design Team, Househam is dedicated to producing leading edge technology which is designed to offer maximum efficiency and ' future-proof' our ever expanding range of sprayers.

Customers are supported around the globe with an experienced network of service engineers and dealers', ensuring help and assistance is but a phone call away.

Our Vision

The challenges faced by agriculture are massive. The ever increasing world population relies on the food agriculture produces and this represents a challenge for the industry, globally, unlike any other industry has hitherto faced.

However, bringing more and more land into agricultural use can have detrimental effects of the environment by encouraging deforestation, which releases more CO2 into the atmosphere, and the draining of natural wetlands both of which increase the risk of flooding.

By protecting and improving the vast areas of soil currently under cultivation and maximising its productive capacity with advances in plant breeding, nutrient management, crop protection products and innovative application technology,  we should be able to go a long way towards producing higher volumes of food which is healthier, safer and produced in a more environmentally friendly and sustainable manner.

Our aim is to use new and innovative technology to enable us, as leading manufacturers of crop sprayers, to produce machines which enable growers not only to apply crop protection products very accurately, but also to help protect soil structure by reducing soil compaction. Our links with the leading agricultural research bodies and our continuing dialogue with practical farmers and contractors helps us to produce leading edge crop sprayers which meet the needs of users around the world.

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Our upcoming event

Lincoln – People, Planet, Pint: Sustainability Meetup

Pop down to your local People Planet Pint meet up to find more about what's going on locally with su...

Jan 21st 2025
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Horse & Groom, Carholme Road, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN1 1RH

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