Employee absence is halting growth for Lincolnshire businesses, says expert

Employee absence is halting growth for Lincolnshire businesses, says expert

Businesses in Lincolnshire need to take action if they want to stop unplanned absence having a major impact on their success, says a local HR expert.

Employee absence doesn’t just mean a desk left empty; it’s a financial hit, a productivity slump, and a challenge to workplace morale.

Laura Reilly is an HR expert and owner of Taurus HR Solutions in Lincolnshire. She says “For small and medium-sized businesses, every team member is crucial. When one is absent, it makes a huge impact on everything else.”

She continued, “It’s also one of the biggest costs a business faces, that’s why it’s vital to take absence management seriously.

“That’s not just about tracking missed days; it’s about understanding patterns, addressing the root causes, and creating a workplace where employees thrive.”

Stress and poor mental health are some of the main causes of absence.

Employers need to put these at the forefront of their company culture to help reduce absence and boost employee wellbeing.

Laura added, “We don’t only focus on mental health and wellbeing because it’s kind; it’s a strategic move to ensure your workforce is operating at its best.

“Prioritise employee wellbeing to ensure a healthy, engaged and present workforce.”

There’s a lot more that business owners should do to manage and reduce unplanned absence.

To help, Laura has written a new guide and is giving copies away for free to local business owners.

The guide details everything to consider and implement to reduce and manage absence.

It emphasises the importance of recording absence, understanding the Bradford Score and tackling the root causes, including mental health and stress management.

Lincolnshire business owners can get their free copy now by contacting Laura at hello@taurushr.co.uk.

Taurus HR Solutions provides a full range of HR and employment law services to local businesses, as well as a number of learning and development courses.

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