Chambers respond to new tiered system for Coronavirus restrictions

Chambers respond to new tiered system for Coronavirus restrictions

During his address to the House of Commons today (12th October 2020), the Prime Minister said:

“We will now simplify and standardise our local rules by introducing a three-tiered system of local Covid alert levels in England – set at medium, high, and very high.

“The “medium” alert level, which will cover most of the country, and will consist of the current national measures. This includes the rule of six and the closure of hospitality at 10pm.

“The “high” alert level reflects the interventions in many local areas at the moment. This primarily aims to reduce household to household transmission, by preventing all mixing between different households or support bubbles indoors. In these areas, the rule of six will continue to apply outdoors, where it is harder for the virus to spread, in public spaces as well as private gardens.

“Most areas which are already subject to local restrictions will automatically move into the “high” alert level. As a result of rising infection rates, Nottinghamshire, east and west Cheshire and a small area of High Peak will also move into the “high” alert level.

“The “very high” alert level will apply where transmission rates are rising most rapidly and where the NHS could soon be under unbearable pressure without further restrictions. In these areas the government will set a baseline of prohibiting social mixing indoors and in private gardens and, I’m sorry to say, closing pubs and bars.

“We want to create the maximum possible local consensus behind this more severe local action, so in each area, we will work with local government leaders on the additional measures which should be taken. This could lead to further restrictions on the hospitality, leisure, entertainment or personal care sectors. But retail, schools and universities will remain open.

“Regulations for all three Covid local alert levels are being laid today. They will be debated and voted on tomorrow, before coming into force on Wednesday. We will also keep these measures under constant review, including a four-week sunset clause for interventions in “very high” areas.

“A postcode search on, as well as the NHS Covid-19 app, will show which local alert level applies in each area and we are also publishing updated guidance to explain what the Covid alert levels mean for those who are clinically extremely vulnerable.”


Commenting on Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s announcement of a new, tiered approach to local Coronavirus restrictions in England – and following the introduction last week of deeper restrictions in other nations of the UK, British Chambers of Commerce Director General Adam Marshall said:

“Intensified restrictions will be a real blow to business and public confidence at a delicate time for the economy. Firms have put hard work and precious cash into making their businesses Covid-secure, and must be allowed to operate unless there is overwhelming and clear evidence to the contrary. Businesses cannot be subjected to a rollercoaster of stop-start restrictions with no end in sight.

“Speculation and rumour have badly eroded trust between Westminster, local government, and our businesses communities. At a time when clarity and transparency are critical, local business leaders must be more deeply involved in decision-making, so that the real-world consequences for livelihoods and communities are understood. The introduction of any new restrictions must go hand-in-hand with the appropriate level of financial support, both now and into the future.

“Above all, businesses need to see an exit strategy to prevent economic paralysis. Mass testing, faster processing and proportionate financial support for those forced to self-isolate are crucial to supporting businesses and communities in the months ahead.”

Below are comments from around the Chamber network.

Liverpool Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive Paul Cherpeau said:

“Businesses across Liverpool are bewildered, frustrated and angry. A week of speculation and rumour has badly damaged confidence. Businesses need to understand the clear evidence for the restrictions that are now being imposed – as many have worked so hard to become Covid safe.

“Whilst our visitor economy will bear the brunt of these new restrictions, the percolating effect on supply chains is hugely concerning, in addition to the psychological impact upon our citizens, business owners and investors. It is imperative that the commencement of these measures coincides with an adequately funded and swiftly distributed package of financial support alongside a clear exit strategy for when these new measures in our city region will be lifted.

“Liverpool businesses and communities have been resolute in rebuilding confidence and prosperity since the original lockdown, with innovative developments between public and private sector such as the ‘Liverpool Without Walls’ initiative. Our City’s exciting Economic Recovery Plan will grow our local economy and stimulate jobs and investment but we must preserve our existing ecosystem to ensure the strongest possible base exists upon which our recovery can be built and be successful.”

Sheffield Chamber of Commerce Interim Executive Director Alexis Krachai said:

“Over the weekend the Council reached out to Sheffield Chamber and other business groups to make sure our views were taken on board as they discussed what to do next with Whitehall. We welcome that involvement. Sheffield Chamber stands ready to help the Council make those difficult decisions but it is vital that the Government listens and ensures the support for businesses are there not matter what tier we are in.

Today’s announcement by the Prime Minister is just another set of decisions made in the long war against Covid. We must now redouble our efforts to keep fighting this virus whilst keeping our economy open and we, and other business groups, will continue to work with the Council in ensuring as much support is available for our businesses.”

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