Additional new affordable Homes underway in Boston

Additional new affordable Homes underway in Boston

A development of affordable homes has been ongoing over the past few years situated off Broadfield Lane in Boston.

Phase Four (pictured) is well underway which will include 26 new affordable homes; 14 for affordable rent, including two one-bed, five two-bed and seven three-bed properties, available through the Boston Homechoice Housing Register, and 12 three-bed shared ownership.

If interested in purchasing then please see following link to Platforms website The first homes should be available within the next few months with final completion of the phase early in 2021.

This scheme has been developed by Platform Housing in partnership with Homes England and Boston Borough Council. The houses are being built by Spalding-based house builder, Seagate Homes.

Cllr Martin Griggs, portfolio holder for housing has said: “This is great for Boston; it is great for helping us meet our housing needs for delivery. I am proud of all the support shown working in partnership and to move these houses forward. Without companies like these we really couldn’t afford to bring these opportunities to Boston”.

Other affordable housing schemes currently under development by Platform Housing in the borough are at Puritan Way, Swineshead Road Boston, Wing Drive and Locomotive Street which will deliver 129 new affordable homes in the Borough over the next 12 months, with further schemes in the pipeline including a scheme in Kirton.

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